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GoReleaser & GoTest CI

Release process for Go projects, providing extensive customization options through its configuration file, .goreleaser.yml. By default, it ensures dependency cleanliness, builds binaries for various platforms and architectures, facilitates pre-release creation, and organizes binary packaging into archives with naming schemes.

For comprehensive insights into customization possibilities, refer to the GoReleaser documentation.

Usage with Tags

To initiate release builds with GoReleaser, you need to follow these steps:

  • Tag Creation: When your project is ready for a release, create a new tag in your Git repository. For example:
git tag v1.0.0
  • Tag Pushing: Push the tag to the repository to trigger GoReleaser:
git push origin v1.0.0

Following these steps ensures proper tagging of your project, prompting GoReleaser to execute configured releases. This approach simplifies release management and automates artifact distribution.

Go Test - Continuous Integration for Go Projects

The go-test.yml file defines a GitHub Actions workflow for continuous integration (CI) of Go projects within a GitHub repository.

Workflow Steps

The job outlined in this workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Checkout: Fetches the project's codebase from the repository.

  2. Go Setup: Configures the Go environment with version 1.21.x.

  3. Build and Test: Builds the project using go build and runs tests across all packages (./...) using go test.

This workflow serves to automate the testing process of a Go project within a GitHub repository, ensuring code quality and reliability with each commit and pull request.