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Testing endpoints

Testing Endpoints with CURL and WebSocat

Testing endpoints is an essential part of ensuring the correctness and functionality of your app. Depending on what options are used for go-blueprint project creation, you have various endpoints for testing your init application status.

Before proceeding, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • CURL: A command-line tool for transferring data with URLs.
  • WebSocat: A command-line WebSocket client.

Hello World Endpoint

To test the Hello World endpoint, execute the following curl command:

curl http://localhost:PORT

Expected Output:

{"message": "Hello World"}

DB Health Check Endpoint

To test the DB Health Check endpoint, use the following curl command:

curl http://localhost:PORT/health

Expected Output:

{"message": "It's healthy"}

WebSocket Endpoint

Initiate a WebSocket connection:

websocat ws://localhost:PORT/websocket

Expected Output:

server timestamp: 1709046650354893857
server timestamp: 1709046652355956336
server timestamp: 1709046654357101642
server timestamp: 1709046656357202535

Testing /web Endpoint

To test the /web endpoint, you can simply open it in a web browser. This endpoint serves a simple HTML page with a form. Navigate to http://localhost:PORT/web This page contains a form with a single input field and a submit button. Upon submitting the form, "Hello, [input]" will be displayed.