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Makefile Project Management

This Makefile is included as a default after project creation. It offers a set of commands to simplify various development tasks for managing a Go project.


  • Build the Application: Compiles the application and generates the executable.
make build
  • Run the Application: Executes the application using go run.
make run
  • Create DB Container: Utilizes Docker Compose to set up the database container. It includes a fallback for Docker Compose V1.
make docker-run
  • Shutdown DB Container: Stops and removes the database container. It also has a fallback for Docker Compose V1.
make docker-down
  • Test the Application: Executes tests defined in the ./tests directory.
make test
  • Clean the Binary: Removes the generated binary file.
make clean
  • Live Reload: Monitors file changes and automatically rebuilds and restarts the application using air.
make watch

Makefile simplifies common development tasks, making it easier to build, run, test, and manage dependencies in a Go project. It enhances productivity by providing a standardized approach to project management.