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Created project can utilizes several Go web frameworks to handle HTTP routing and server functionality. The chosen frameworks are:

  1. Chi: Lightweight and flexible router for building Go HTTP services.
  2. Echo: High-performance, extensible, minimalist Go web framework.
  3. Fiber: Express-inspired web framework designed to be fast, simple, and efficient.
  4. Gin: A web framework with a martini-like API, but with much better performance.
  5. Gorilla/mux: A powerful URL router and dispatcher for Golang.
  6. HttpRouter: A high-performance HTTP request router that scales well.

Project Structure

The project is structured with a simple layout, focusing on the cmd, internal, and tests directories:

├── /cmd
│   └── /api
│       └── main.go
├── /internal
│   └── /server
│       ├── routes.go
│       └── server.go
├── /tests
│   └── handler_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── Makefile