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DB Drivers

To extend the project with database functionality, users can choose from a variety of Go database drivers. Each driver is tailored to work with specific database systems, providing flexibility based on project requirements:

  1. Mongo: Provides necessary tools for connecting and interacting with MongoDB databases.
  2. Mysql: Enables seamless integration with MySQL databases.
  3. Postgres: Facilitates connectivity to PostgreSQL databases.
  4. Redis: Provides tools for connecting and interacting with Redis.
  5. Sqlite: Suitable for projects requiring a lightweight, self-contained database. and interacting with Redis

Updated Project Structure

Integrating a database adds a new layer to the project structure, primarily in the internal/database directory:

├── /cmd
│   └── /api
│       └── main.go
├── /internal
│   ├── /database
│   │   └── database.go
│   └── /server
│       ├── routes.go
│       └── server.go
├── /tests
│   └── handler_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── Makefile

Database Driver Implementation

Users can select the desired database driver based on their project's specific needs. The chosen driver is then imported into the project, and the database.go file is adjusted accordingly to establish a connection and manage interactions with the selected database.

Docker-Compose for Quick Database Spinup

To facilitate quick setup and testing, a docker-compose.yml file is provided. This file defines a service for the chosen database system with the necessary environment variables. Running docker-compose up will quickly spin up a containerized instance of the database, allowing users to test their application against a real database server.

This Docker Compose approach simplifies the process of setting up a database for development or testing purposes, providing a convenient and reproducible environment for the project.