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Project init

Creating a Project

After installing the Go-Blueprint CLI tool, you can create a new project with the default settings by running the following command:

go-blueprint create

This command will interactively guide you through the project setup process, allowing you to choose the project name, framework, and database driver.


Using Flags for Non-Interactive Setup

For a non-interactive setup, you can use flags to provide the necessary information during project creation. Here's an example:

go-blueprint create --name my-project --framework gin --driver postgres

In this example:

  • --name: Specifies the name of the project (replace "my-project" with your desired project name).
  • --framework: Specifies the Go framework to be used (e.g., "gin").
  • --driver: Specifies the database driver to be integrated (e.g., "postgres").

Customize the flags according to your project requirements.

Advanced Flag

By including the --advanced flag, users can choose one or all of the advanced features, HTMX, GitHub Actions for CI/CD and Websocket support, during the project creation process. The flag enhances the simplicity of Blueprint while offering flexibility for users who require additional functionality.

go-blueprint create --advanced

To recreate the project using the same configuration semi-interactively, use the following command:

go-blueprint create --name my-project --framework chi --driver mysql --advanced

This approach opens interactive mode only for advanced features, which allow you to choose the one or combination of available features.


Non-Interactive Setup

Advanced features can be enabled using the --feature flag along with the --advanced flag:


go-blueprint create --advanced --feature htmx

For the CI/CD workflow:

go-blueprint create --advanced --feature githubaction

For the websocket:

go-blueprint create --advanced --feature websocket

Or all features at once:

go-blueprint create --name my-project --framework chi --driver mysql --advanced --feature htmx --feature githubaction --feature websocket